
I believe that each of us can feel better than we do right now. I believe our bodies and spirits have an incredible capacity and natural inclination to heal themselves. If only we could listen carefully, and be curious about the messages our bodies are trying to give us, we could come to understand why we don’t feel well.

With authenticity, compassion and a respect for who you are as an individual, I will listen to you and your body and work with you to uncover the roots of what ails you. From this place, I will offer safe and effective natural therapies tailored to your needs to help you move towards wellness. Everyone deserves to feel well and live in harmony with their body, mind and spirit.

To understand what naturopathic medicine is visit this page. To find out about the health concerns I work with, and to determine if I am a genuine fit for you (that I can offer the support you are looking for on your journey to optimal health) visit this page.

I look forward to connecting with you.

Warmest wishes for your good health,                                                                              Janice Millington                                                                                                            Registered Naturopathic Doctor

Current clients: Book your appointment here https://www.smartnd.ca/online-booking/1392/DrJaniceMillington   Please note that if you do not receive a confirmation email, your booking was not completed.

New patients: I am again taking on new patients! Please contact me via email (janice(at)northwestel.net) and tell me the health concerns for which you are looking for help so I may know if I can help you, or if someone else would be a better fit for you. My emails can land in junk mail folders, so look there if you do not receive a response from me. You can also leave me your phone number. I will always respond; it just may take me some time.